Saturday, 16 June 2012

Coombes my hair

Due to some recent assessments, i havent blogged in a while but many events have occurred! Firstly, it was "Damn" (Mr Mahfouz reference) Nguyen's birthday on tuesday and i attacked her back cos she attacked me with a hug on my birthday HAHA

On Thursday, besides my most epic fail in a Physics assessment, i finally went to Ms Ejsac's office to get the varsity jacket we ordered for Mr Coombes and it was WONDERFUL! I couldnt wait to wrap it up with 2138123912 layers of newspaper just to make him believe it was legit just newspaper (and also to make the unwrapping last the whole lesson so we dont have to do work HAHA) So Friday was a busy day, had to chase everyone in our class up with the messages we were gonna stick on each layer for Coombesy to read :D not surprisingly, Andrew and Sutwan Yap took the longest to give me a message (Yes, Sutwan Diep was efficient at something for once) Read through some of the msgs and some were so sweet! Nazmus' one was so long, Diem wrote a fail rap HAHA and some other people wrote some physics jokes :D e.g. Who was the first electrical detective? SHERLOCK OHMS! Funny right? i wrote that one in my msg HAHA :') 

chinese newspaper for the wrapping HAHA
the parcel-wrapping crew & danica LOL

Straight after maths, i ran down to the room, afraid that Coombes was already at the room but db opened the door, gave me an evil look and said "He's not here yet!" We waited for everyone to pile into the room and Jimmy then yelled at me "JOKI! He's coming through the other door!" So some people went into the storage room to stall him (i think they were hugging him or something..not suss at all guys) By the time he got into the room, we were all standing at the front surrounding the parcel, clapping the whole time and he gave such suspicious looks at us going "What are you guys doing?", eyed the parcel and started unwrapping HAHA Good thing he didnt know what it was until the very end (despite some people writing it was a varsity jacket - banh, danica H HAHA) BUT his speech afterwards was so heartwarming, i wont type what he said here just in case his other physics class reads this and gets offended LOL We then took a class photo..where i smiled nicely in the muckup photo and did a pose in the serious photo.. GUYS you need to tell me when you plan these things D:

oh gawd he actually posed
SO HIP; the nickname was Martin's idea :D
Coombes Physics Class of 2012
I seriously love Physics, oh yeah..the class as well HAHA <3

this was Alan afterwards: "You made a great man cry Joki!" Oh pssh, he just leaking tears of happiness

next mission for Coombes Physics: get him a really sleazy wig for his birthday :D

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