Wednesday, 11 April 2012

forever young, i want to be forever young...

hehe yaaaay, time for my first individual blog post!

hello, Joki here! :D

man, it's gotten sooo cold all of a sudden! Watched the news today and apparently it was the coldest start to April in 79 years! I guess it's reached that time where we pull out our toe socks, scarves, gloves, wooly jumpers and add another layer of quilt to our beds to stay warm and not catch a cold during the holidays :S

hmm..maybe I should talk about me and Hingis' bonding session we had yesterday hehe. 

Well, a few years ago, Hingis made this kite and it has been sitting idle in our computer room downstairs because we haven't yet experienced a day which was windy enough to fly it properly OR..maybe we just forgot we had it HAHA that's until yesterday when we were treated with REALLY windy day and dad goes "why don't you two go out and fly the kite?" And so, we did! BEST.FUN.EVER. I think I was really too excited and started screaming and laughing hysterically when I was running with the kite in the air above me. Made me really miss my childhood :')

Poor neighbours. Hopefully they don't think that I was some crazy asian kid who just discovered a life outside studying..D: 

but yes! We had lots of fun, took lots of photos which turned out to be blurry..cos we had to keep running to keep the kite high enough HEH. I really treasure those moments where I'm genuinely happy with my sister..NOT SAYING THAT SHE MAKES ME DEPRESSED! HAHA but it shows how close are, which is rare! Cos there are many broken families these days, so I see myself as extremely lucky right now :) OH DEAR, I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL :'(

I won't spam this blog entry with all the photos we took! Hehe, I'll only upload my favourite ones :) woooo~ 

wanting to be as free as a kite ~
you can probably guess who's who :)

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