Friday, 5 October 2012


Ok this is going to be short cause i don't like writing......
First we brought the mice back to the pet shop cause of 'smelliness' and 'uselessness'. Then we bought a cat named couper. OK LET THE PICTURES BEGIN!!!!
WHat you looking at


Sooooooooooooo soooootttthhinnnnggg


Hey whats that

Dont look into the light

Exploring new place

meeting new friends


*sigh* another lot

weeeee i can pick myself up!!!!!

Eat straight away

RUNNNNNNN (on the poop ridden wheel)

Who are you


PLaying with new toy


whut you looking at

They love grass
THough the mice seem to be already sold . The birds have a new toy and the cat is growing more used to us. WIN WIN FOR EVERYONE!!!!!
But what about the dogs.......
Lets just say they are busy HAHAHAHAHAHa might have new additions soon
Oh yeah this is the first blog post after china. Sorry won't blog about that cause too long OR MAYBE if enough people comment or tell joki to tell me to write about i will. OK BYEBYE NOW